Thursday, June 30, 2011


Party Cash!!!

Earn your party cash is several ways.  You can use your party cash towards the purchase of a punch card, t-shirt sale, or other event.

Here's how you can earn yours:
1.  Come twice in one week
2.  Bring a friend
3.  Purchase a punch card

Remember to put them in a safe place.  If you loose them, they can't be replaced.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Rocio, Carolina, and Angela.  Rocio taught some songs and was AWESOME!!!

Winning some prizes!

Another prize won!

Love our Manteca Mix!

Sandra, Daniela, and me

Vanasa striking a pose. Gorgeous!
We had such a fun time!!! Thank you to everyone who came to our PJ Party!  Thank you Rocio for teaching some HOT moves and routines and Vanasa for helping with everything else.