Saturday, December 31, 2011

Do you need a challenge?

Mary and I were attending Jessica's class this last Saturday and thought, "Wow!" We want to be able to be proud enough of our bodies to show it!!  So....we came up with a challenge. 



So what does this mean?  We are going to work hard on being proud of our stomachs!  You heard me, that blob that is just above the hips. For years, I have ignored this area. Yes, I have done ab exercises and watched my diet. But, this is a challenge. After babies, surgeries, and age there is just a lot of explaining to do.  But now  no more excuses!  Mary and I are going to wear just a sports bra and cargo pants (at least for one song, we may blind you with our fluorescent stomachs). 

So how does this apply to you????  Come join us!  If you don't want to just do a sports bra, how about a tank top or spandex pants?  Think of something you have been afraid of putting on for fear there was a weight limit or jiggly limit attached to it.  BE BRAVE AND PROUD OF BEING YOU!!!!

WHO'S IN???????????

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Get ready for January 2nd!!!

Be ready for fun, new, exciting songs!  Let's melt those pounds away together!!
See you January 2nd at 8:30 pm at Ultimate Dance Etc!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Come Join Us For Our Last Tuesday in Lehi!

This Tuesday (12/20) will be our last Tuesday class.  It will be request night!  So, think of your favorite songs and come prepared to laugh, shake, and smile!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Class Monday and Wednesday, December 26th and 28th!

Enjoy the holiday with your family and we will see you on Monday, January 2nd! If your pass expires during this week, it will be extended to the following week.