Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Looking for help with some steps?

If you are new to Zumba or struggling with a certain step, I am always there to help you out. Depending on the location I can work with you before or after class. This is free. I want you to feel successful and have fun. If you are too worried about the step, it is hard to let loose and enjoy the class!


  1. Wow Laura! Zumba is such a great workout. I'm really feeling Monday's class today. I've been working out at home - lifting weights, pilates, etc. but nothing gives me a full-body workout like Zumba!! Wish my baby were on a schedule so I could come more regularly. Hopefully soon :)

  2. It was great to see you. AAAAHHH the schedule. My kids had a really hard time with that too. :o)
